How do I stop unwanted ads for Brave from appearing on my Android Device? [Android] Follow
There are several apps released by developers that are displaying ads in conditions that violate Google policy. Google has already released one software patch that worked for a while, and is working with us to resolve the issue. One is a QR code reader and another is called iCompass.
This app may only show up in your Settings app list and my not be visible on your home screen. If you have these on your phone they can be disabled or uninstalled from your apps manager list in your phone Settings.
While Google works to resolve the larger issue, there ere are two things we can do to help for your particular case:
- If you know the app that was running when the ad displayed, that info would be really helpful for us to know. If you’re not sure, that’s OK too. We’re able to report the abusive apps to Google, and exclude them from running our ads, but there are some cases where users are not sure what app the ads are launching from.
- If you are able to let us know the city and state you were in when you observed the disruptive behavior with the ad, we can quickly exclude that location. Excluding the location will resolve the issue with our ads displaying in this unintended way.
That said, given that the larger issue is with problematic apps abusing Google’s system, we can’t prevent ads from other advertisers from behaving the same way. We can at least prevent ads from Brave displaying this way by having the city/state to exclude, and can assist by reporting the bad apps to Google.